محصولات مشابه
شیلد شبکه W5100
4,100,000 ریال
برد آردوینو LilyPad 328
1,900,000 ریال
کیس برد آردوینو MEGA2560
190,000 ریال
The latest Arduino MEGA ProtoShield V3 prototyping board is made of PCB immersion process, the motherboard gold square pad spacing is small, welding components more convenient; SOP28 patch component package, so Arduino electronic enthusiasts more handy, The board can not only be seamlessly connected to the Arduino MEGA controller, the components directly welded to the above, complete a variety of prototype circuit, you can also paste the Mini Breadboard , through the 7 color jumper to complete a variety of circuit experiments, the board Integrated power indicator and status indicator, as well as reset button, easy to learn Arduino MEGA controller preferred prototype expansion board.