محصولات مشابه
سوکت MICRO SD جک دار
41,000 ریال
گیره سوسماری بزرگ(جفت)
110,000 ریال
تبدیل دو شاخه برق تخت دو به دو
30,000 ریال
جامپر 2.54 میلی متری
5,000 ریال
سرسوکت شبکه CAT5 8P8C
7,000 ریال
سوکت AC مادگی فیوزدار و جاپیچدار
650,000 ریال
تبدیل نری BNC به RCA مادگی
60,000 ریال
شیرینک مشکی 7mm یک متری
70,000 ریال
شیرینک مشکی 9mm یک متری
82,000 ریال
شیرینک مشکی 15mm یک متری
140,000 ریال
The maximum risk of electronic equipment, the maximum static capacity of equipment or the human body of up to tens of thousands of volts to hundreds of thousands of volts, under normal operating conditions are often hundreds to thousands of volts. The human body due to their own movements and contact with other objects - separation, friction or induction and other factors, you can bring thousands of volts or even tens of thousands of volts of static electricity caused by the problem is not only difficult to detect hardware staff, and sometimes software Personnel mistaken for a software failure, resulting in confusion. In addition, static electricity through the human body when the computer or other equipment discharge (the so-called ignition) when the energy to a certain extent, will give people the feeling of electric shock, resulting in the operating system for the maintenance of the mental burden.