محصولات مشابه
شیلد شبکه W5100
4,100,000 ریال
برد آردوینو LilyPad 328
1,900,000 ریال
کیس برد آردوینو MEGA2560
190,000 ریال
A4988 p/ DRV8825 steper motor drive control board / expansion board
Specific parameters:
1- can use A4988 / DRV8825, insert the attention direction, otherwise it may burn the drive.
2- where the jumper is hit ON DP stands for 16 segments (4988) or 32 segments (8825).
3- Jm connected to the motor.
4- Jv connected 5V and 12V-24V power supply
5-Jc ESDG corresponding to the connection on the EnableStepDirGnd drive signal output.
special reminder:
no reverse protection
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