هدر برد آرم 8 بیتی STM8S103F3P6
775,000 ریال
1 عدد موجودی
شما نمیتوانید بیش از 5 محصول را با هم مقایسه کنید
TM8S core board main features:
1. Use 8S003F3P6 as the master IC .
2. Can be used on the board of 2.54 pin to take power or pad to take power, use the pad to take power, the input voltage range of 4.5 V-15V
Note : The 5V pin is connected to the module's input power supply .
3. Derive all pins , marked with the pin next to the pin , with a reset button, power indicator, and program demonstration lights, sparrows are small and perfectly.
4. Support SWIM debugging mode .
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