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Introduction of Serial UART Ethernet Module
USR-TCP232-T2 Serial TTL to Ethernet Module which can realize data bidirectional transparent transmission between serial TTL and RJ45 Port. USR-TCP232-T2 is based on Cortex-M0 core- low cost solution. It has characters of low power, fast speed and high efficiency.
Serial UART Ethernet Module – M0 Series
Solution Cost-Effective, -25~75C
Keep-Alive Detect the inactive connection, rebuild connection automatically
Built-In Webpage Configure parameters
DHCP+DNS DNS and DHCP automatically obtain an IP address
Firmware Upgrade firmware via network
Client connection Support 1 to 16 clients to be connected in TCP server mode
Feature of Serial UART Ethernet Module
DHCP &DNS, automatically obtain an IP address and query IP address through serial setting protocol
Set parameters through webpage and serial AT command
Upgrade firmware via network
Auto-MDI/MDIX, RJ45 port with 10/100Mbps
Serial port baud rate from 600 bps to 460.8 Kbps, Check bit of None,Odd,Even,Mark and Space
Work mode: TCP Server, TCP Client, UDP Client, UDP Server, HTTPD Client
Support virtual serial port and provide corresponding software USR-VCOM
Heartbeat package mechanism to ensure connection is reliable, put an end to dead link
User-defined registration package mechanism, check connection status and use as custom packet header
Under TCP Server mode, Client number ranges from 1 to 16; default number is 4
The global unique MAC address bought from IEEE, user can define MAC address
Restore factory default
Across the gateway, switches, routers
Can work in LAN, also can work in the Internet (external network)
Provide PC TCP/IP socket programming example such as VB,C++,Delphi,Android and IOS
Support customization
Application Field of Serial UART Ethernet Module
Industrial data transmission, industrial automation
security and protection monitoring, public security
Smart home, power control, environmental monitoring, intelligent agriculture
Door check on work attendance system, POS system, rice selling system
Building automation system, power monitoring, self-service banking system, telecom machine room monitoring